Sustainability Management Report

ESG Report
Atomy envisions a win-win relationship with all stakeholders, not only those involved in management activities, but also those involved in human rights, the environment, and communities. This is why we have published our first report on the implementation process and performance of sustainable management.
Blue Marine Project
The climate change crisis, such as El Niño, La Niña, or the melting Arctic, has become a matter of survival and changed our daily lives. Accordingly, governments are implementing environmental policies. Atomy also recognizes that environmental conservation is an urgent issue that cannot be delayed, and strives to achieve sustainable coexistence with the Earth and conservation of the marine environment through the Blue Marine Project.
Atomy is implementing Blue Marine projects under three visions to achieve its goal of being a global green leader in saving ocean fish: zero plastics, resource regeneration and environmental restoration, and the spread of a global eco-friendly culture.
Zero plastics, resource regeneration and environmental restorationSHARING ACTIVITIES
- Review of major product plastic emissions
- Product renewals to realize zero plastics
- Introduction of environmentally-friendly smart packaging solutions
- Atomy’s Commitment to Recycling and Saving Resources
- Conduct various campaigns, such as collection of Blue Marine empty bottles
Major Achievements- Reduce plastics use by improving products and building a green logistics system
- Reduce environmental costs with waste management
Promote global culture of eco-friendlinessSHARING ACTIVITIES
- Atomy Park in-house campaign
- Blue Marine Savers Character Development
- Recruitment and operation of Blue Marine supporters
- Hold the Blue Marine Idea Award
Major Achievements- Improve green awareness for members and the public
- Carbon reduction through various campaigns
and environmental restoration
Atomy first reviewed the plastics emissions of each product in order to achieve zero plastics, recycle resources, and restore the environment, and is carrying out product re-design activities to achieve zero plastics.
Atomy started the Blue Marine project in 2021 and reduced plastics usage by about 363 tons (8%) compared to 2020 usage. To achieve zero plastics, we expanded the use of biodegradable plastics and eco-friendly materials and set a goal of reducing product plastic by 50% by 2030. To this end, we plan to monitor the improvement status and reduction rate of auxiliary materials, renew the standard product list, such as by reducing package volume size, changing to eco-friendly auxiliary materials and developing new auxiliary materials and eco-friendly new products.
- Atomy Slim Body Shake
- Changed from PET container to pouch type
- Atomy Oral Care Gift Set
- Eliminated plastic tray and reduced external packaging size
- Atomy Deep Ocean Water
- Removed labels and reduced plastic weight
- HemoHIM
- Removed the head pad and reduced the weight of a set box and single box
- Atomy Toothbrush/Compact Toothbrush
- Plastic tray and paper removal
- Atomy Toothpaste
- Used CCP R30 paper (30% recycled paper)
- Atomy Ethiopia Single Origin Latte
- Switched from aluminum can to Tetra Pak packaging
- Atomy Salted Mackerel
- Reduced styrofoam icebox size
- Replaced eco-friendly paper cushioning material
- Replaced PE material air cap cushioning material with eco-friendly paper cushioning material
* Atomy-CJ Korea Express Green Smart Packaging System
With CJ Logistics, we are saving more than 200 tons of plastic each year by converting cushioning materials and box tapes into recyclable paper materials and building environmentally friendly smart packaging solutions that modernize the packaging process to reduce plastic vinyl used in packaging operations and prevent over-packing.
In accordance with Article 10 of the Enforcement Decree of the Act on Saving Resources and Promoting Recycling, Atomy is committed to reducing the environmental costs associated with waste management through waste generation reduction and efficient recovery and processing during the manufacturing and distribution stages. We have been paying waste levies to the Korea Environment Corporation since 2013, which are used for the purchase and storage of recyclable resources, projects for recycling waste, installation and support of waste treatment facilities, research and technology development for efficient recycling and reduction of waste, waste recovery and recycling costs for local governments, and other purposes.
- Atomy’s Commitment to Recycling and Saving Resources
- In accordance with Article 16 of the Act on Saving and Recycling Promotion of Resources and Article 18 of the Enforcement Decree, we joined the Korea Packaging Material Recycling Cooperative in 2013. Through this, we are operating in compliance with the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). In addition, we are sharing the operation details of the EPR system with our partnering companies and improving the eco-friendly awareness of our partners. In addition, we are paying a contribution to the Recycling Cooperative to jointly fulfill our recycling obligations, and submitting data on sales and receipt of products and packaging materials to the Korea Environment Corporation in accordance with relevant laws.
* Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)
A system that imposes a certain amount of recycling obligation on the producer of a product, or the producer of a product using packaging materials, to recycle the waste of the product or packaging materials, and if the producer does not fulfill the obligation, a non-recycling levy is imposed on the producer above the cost of recycling* Commitment to Recycling and Saving Resources: Four major packaging materials - Paper packs, metal cans, glass bottles, synthetic resin packaging materials, and batteries, etc.
2020 4,446.5
2021 4,152.4
2022 4,133.4
Paper bags
- 2020 120.0
- 2021 125.2
- 2022 134.6
Iron cans + aluminum cans
- 2020 26.4
- 2021 16.2
- 2022 11.5
Glass bottles
- 2020 159.6
- 2021 233.9
- 2022 189.6
- 2020 4,140.3
- 2021 3,777.0
- 2022 3,797.7
* Based on the sales weight, the amount paid as a contribution to the Recycling Cooperative of the Resource Recycling Act shall be applied as the basis of calculation
* Figures include new products
Plastics -
Promote global culture of eco-friendliness
Resource regeneration and restoration
STEP 1. Inducing awareness and speeding up2021 2022
Zero Plastics
- Eco-friendly product renewal
- Eco-friendly product development
Promote global culture of eco-friendliness
- Blue Marine supporters
- Blue Marine savers character branding success promotion
Resource regeneration and restoration
- Empty bottle collection campaign
STEP 2. Stabilization2024
Zero Plastics
- Product Development
- Development of eco-friendly materials
- Development of eco-friendly materials
- Logistics development/reorganization
Promote global culture of eco-friendliness
- Character branding
- External cooperation internal/external campaigns
Resource regeneration and restoration
- Empty bottle collection campaign
- Upcycling
- Recycling
- Environmental Cleanup Activities
STEP 3. Expansion
Zero Plastics
- Ease of recycling assessment
- Improve recycling methods
- Plastics monitoring
- Logistics development/reorganization
Promote global culture of eco-friendliness
- Member Training
- Culture Business
- Promote domestic/overseas seminars
- Discover eco-friendly talent
Resource regeneration and restoration
- Atomy Garden
- Atomian RUN product development
Zero Plastics 50% reduction in plastics
Promote global culture of eco-friendliness Improve Global Member Awareness
Resource regeneration and restoration Establishment of a resource regeneration system for all Atomy products
Atomy's employees working at Atomy Park also recognize the climate crisis as an environmental issue and are conducting an in-house campaign to create an eco-friendly company culture. Our employees are taking action to help protect the environment through easy-to-implement campaigns that anyone can participate in, such as using toilet paper sparingly, properly recycling, using double-sided paper, and using tumblers and reusable cups.
Timing | Campaign | Description | |
Weekly | Share eco-friendly information on in-house bulletin board | TF Member Weekly Posts | |
2021 | April | Toilet paper saving campaign | Korean Arbor Day campaign for reduction of toilet paper usage |
April | Proper recycling campaign | Guide to trash bin segmentation and separate disposal of recyclable waste | |
April | Campaign for use of scrap paper and eco-mode printing | Encouraging use of electronic documents and scrap paper | |
May | Blue Marine commitment sharing event | Share eco-friendly commitments and present Blue Marine reusable tumblers | |
May | Employee cafeteria leftover food ZERO campaign | Reduce food waste, eco-friendly product event | |
June to August | Atomy Park Empty Bottle Collection Campaign | Build upcycled benches by collecting empty bottles from Atomy products | |
August | HISBEANS Coffee x Blue Marine reusable cup use campaign | Achieving zero plastics in-house by limiting the use of HISBEANS Coffee disposable cups | |
October | Campaign to eliminate single-use plastic bottles in our company | Achieving zero plastics in-house by limiting in-house SCM plastic bottle water orders and providing awareness through an installation made of plastic bottles collected for a week | |
2022 | March | Blue Jeans Campaign | Upcycling jeans into eco cup holders |
April | Employee cafeteria leftover food ZERO campaign | Reduce food waste, upcycling product giveaway event | |
July | Gongju Geum River Plogging | Cleanup activities along the Geum River |
In March 2022, Atomy employees and Young Leaders participated in a Blue Jeans campaign to collect a total of 125 pairs of jeans and upcycle them into eco cup holders. Upcycling goes beyond simply recycling products and creates new added value, such as adding design, to create new products. It reflects Atomy's eco-friendly policy of using resources more efficiently by recycling products. Through upcycling, 33 kilograms of carbon was reduced for each pair of jeans, with a total of 4,125 kilograms of carbon reduced by upcycling 125 pairs.
In 2021, Atomy, together with TerraCycle, a global recycling company, conducted an empty bottle collection campaign to achieve zero plastics and practice resource circulation. About 800 education centers participated in the empty bottle collection campaign. It was operated by collecting properly disposed empty bottles in collection boxes provided at participating centers, and upcycled benches were made using empty bottles and placed in Atomy Park, the headquarters.
We launched Blue Marine Savers, characters from the Blue Marine Project, as a cultural project to make complex environmental issues understandable. Blue Marine Savers, who are “guardians of the blue sea”, were inspired by endangered sea animals such as polar bears, seals, penguins, and arctic foxes, and designed using the Atomy white and blue colors. Through the development of the Blue Marine Savers characters, we used them to create KakaoTalk emoticons, conduct Instagram events, participate in design festivals, and produce goods and animations.
Since 2022, Blue Marine Supporters has been supporting a number of activities to engage employees, members, and consumers to recognize the importance of eco-friendliness. Blue Marine Supporters received a variety of experiences and merchandise in addition to a small stipend to support their activities. In addition, we helped ensure that volunteer hours were recognized when they performed offline eco-friendly volunteer work, and after the activity was completed, teams with excellent performance were awarded and given gifts.
In 2021, we held an award to discover eco-friendly ideas that align with the Blue Marine three major visions: “Zero Plastics”, “Leading the Spread of Global Eco-Friendly Culture”, and “Restoration of the Marine Environment Through Resource Regeneration”. Anyone interested in the eco-friendly Blue Marine campaign was able to participate, and the winner was awarded a prize of KRW 100 million.
In October 2022, we conducted eco-friendly mentoring training for about 800 members interested in environmental protection at six Atomy base training centers. We introduced the Blue Marine Project and the Empty Bottle Collection Project and showed them green activities they can do in their daily life. We also created upcycling products using DIY sets, and after the training we also participated in plogging activities near the center.
- In 2021, the Atomy Young Leaders Club and about 50 employees participated in an environmental cleanup, picking up trash in the coastal area, including the beach and Daewangam Park. The Beach Clean Campaign, which is part of Atomy’s eco-friendly “Blue Marine,” campaign, was carried out at the suggestion of the “Young Leaders Club,” a group of Atomy members in their 20s and 30s. They organized the Beach Clean Campaign after hearing that trash left by tourists around Ilsan Beach in Ulsan-si was destroying the marine ecosystem, and said that they will continue to help preserve the marine ecosystem through environmental protection activities.
Reduction Activities
Turn off office lights and install high-efficiency LED bulbs
Turn off office lights during lunch break (turn off more than 50% of the lights, excluding essential lights) and install high-efficiency LED bulbs throughout the company
Adjust cooling and heating schedules and utilize late-night electricity
Utilize late-night electricity by adjusting heating (60 days → 42 days) and cooling (90 days → 72 days) dates and installing an in-house heat shrinkage system
Low Carbon Lunch Day
Carbon reduction by reducing leftover food by 30% (promoted twice a year)
A company without disposable cups
Zero disposable cups at in-house cafes by introducing eco-friendly cups made of CX material, a plastic substitute
Waste purification activity at Geum River Shingwan Park in Gongju-si
Carry out plogging with the participation of in-house employees
Upcycling Campaign
Collected of worn jeans and redesigned upcycled reusable cup holders