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Atomy Success System

Atomy Success System

We introduce our unique Customer Success System.

Seminars Hosted by Atomy Headquarters

With "Customer Success" being Atomy's first management objective, Atomy hosts various seminars online and offline to support the success of our customers.

  • Success Academy

    Atomy’s signature seminar, Success Academy, is held regularly once per month, and showcases success tips and methods to live a balanced life. The seminar includes promotion ceremonies, writing life scenarios, various performances and more. Success Academy is the bedrock of the Success System.

  • One-Day Seminars

    Atomy's One-day seminars are held every Thursday with lecture topics that include company introduction, marketing plan, product introductions, and more. These seminars guide the way toward success through Atomy.

  • After Work Atomy

    A content for those who want to do Atomy business for a second job. Introducing the Atomy business which is enable to prepare uncertain times.

  • ABR (Atomy Business School)

    As Atomy's new success system, it enables us to understand the characteristics of consumers and have expertise in rapidly changing times.

  • Monthly Product Seminar

    This is a seminar where spending becomes income, where you study products and create your own product materials, make a list, get sales tips, and more.

  • Good Morning Atomy

    An educational program that provides product news, the latest news about Atomy Korea and global and contents that help members to set the direction of Atomy business.

Simultaneous Broadcast, Simultaneous Interpretation, Simultaneous Success System

Success Academy is held simultaneously in 10 locations in Korea using Atomy's very own linked-up broadcasting system and live streaming service so that 20,000 people can "attend" the seminar at the same time. Those who cannot come to the seminar venue can participate in the seminar live at their centers. Our linked-up broadcasting and simultaneous interpretation services are unique features of our exclusive customer Success System.

Blending of Business and Culture Atomy Entertainment&Media

Atomy Entertainment&Media (E&M) is a new success system where business and culture are blended.
Atomy E&M will build an enjoyable success system and hold various cultural shows that entertain and encourage Atomy's members who strive day and night for success.

Online & Offline Tool Support

Through a variety of online and offline channels, Atomy provides tools to ensure success for our customers.

Online Atomy Official Website This is the official website for Atomy. http://www.atomy.com
Online Channel Atomy This channel provides video content of news and products. https://ch.atomy.com/
Online Atomy Mobile APP This platform provides a variety of services including Atomy Shopping Mall, Channel Atomy, My Office, and information from the Customer Support Center.
Online Atomy Ticket APP View Atomy's global seminars at a glance and receive notifications.
Online After Work Atomy A content for those who want to do Atomy business for a second job. Introducing the Atomy business which is enable to prepare uncertain times.
Offline Atomy regular publication You can read Atomy Magazine which introduces Atomy's global news, Atomyians which includes interviews with Atomy leaders, and various publications such as company introductions and product catalogs. Go now
Offline Atomy regular publication You can read Atomy Magazine which introduces Atomy's global news, Atomyians which includes interviews with Atomy leaders, and various publications such as company introductions and product catalogs. Go now
Offline Atomy regular publication You can read Atomy Magazine which introduces Atomy's global news, Atomyians which includes interviews with Atomy leaders, and various publications such as company introductions and product catalogs. Go now
Offline Atomy regular publication You can read Atomy Magazine which introduces Atomy's global news, Atomyians which includes interviews with Atomy leaders, and various publications such as company introductions and product catalogs. Go now
Offline Atomy regular publication You can read Atomy Magazine which introduces Atomy's global news, Atomyians which includes interviews with Atomy leaders, and various publications such as company introductions and product catalogs. Go now
Offline Atomy regular publication You can read Atomy Magazine which introduces Atomy's global news, Atomyians which includes interviews with Atomy leaders, and various publications such as company introductions and product catalogs. Go now
Offline Atomy regular publication You can read Atomy Magazine which introduces Atomy's global news, Atomyians which includes interviews with Atomy leaders, and various publications such as company introductions and product catalogs. Go now
Offline Atomy regular publication You can read Atomy Magazine which introduces Atomy's global news, Atomyians which includes interviews with Atomy leaders, and various publications such as company introductions and product catalogs. Go now
Offline Atomy regular publication You can read Atomy Magazine which introduces Atomy's global news, Atomyians which includes interviews with Atomy leaders, and various publications such as company introductions and product catalogs. Go now
Offline Atomy regular publication You can read Atomy Magazine which introduces Atomy's global news, Atomyians which includes interviews with Atomy leaders, and various publications such as company introductions and product catalogs. Go now

Above information applicable to Korea headquarters



Please check registration region

    • Korea

    • 20 years old or older Korean national ID card holders, Foreigners living in Korea, Foreigners living abroad (India, Hong kong)
    • USA

    • 18 years old or older SSN(Social Security Number) holders
    • Japan

    • 20 years old or older Japanese citizens (Residents), Foreigners living in Japan
    • Canada

    • 18 years old or older Canadian citizens, Canadian permanent residents
    • Taiwan

    • 18 years old or older Taiwanese citizens, Foreigners living in Taiwan
    • Singapore

    • 18 years old or older Singapore citizens, Singapore permanent residents
    • Cambodia

    • 18 years old or older Cambodian citizens, Foreigners living in Cambodia, corporation
    • Philippines

    • 18 years old or older Filipino citizens, Philippine permanent residents, Special Resident Retiree's Visa (SRRV) holders
    • Malaysia

    • 18 years old or older Malaysian citizens, Malaysia permanent residents
    • Mexico

    • 18 years old or older CURP holders
    • Thailand

    • 20 years old or older Thai citizens
    • Australia

    • Australian citizens, permanent residents, Work Permit Visa holders (Including Working Holiday Visa)
    • Indonesia

    • 18 years old or older Indonesian citizens
    • Russia

    • 18 years old or older Russian citizens (Residents), Foreigners living abroad (Ukraine, Belarus)
    • China

    • Consumer Member: 22 years old or older
      Dealer Member: Legally registered limited liability company, partnership, sole proprietorship enterprise or individual business in China
    • Colombia

    • 18 years old or older Colombian citizens, Colombia permanent residents
    • Hong Kong

    • 20 years old or older Hong Kong ID card holders
    • India

    • Residents who are India citizen, PAN Card holders, 18 years old or older, Maharashtra state: 21 years old or older
    • New Zealand

    • 18 years old or older N.Z residents
    • Türkiye

    • 18 years old or older Turkish ID cardholders, permanent residents
    • United Kingdom

    • 18 years old or older UK residents
    • Kazakhstan

    • 18 years old or older Kazakhstan citizens
    • Kyrgyzstan

    • 18 years old or older Kyrgyzstan citizens
    • Brazil

    • For 18 years of age or above CPF holder, corporate distributor
    • Mongolia

    • 18 years old or older Mongolian citizens, Foreigners living in Mongolia
    • Uzbekistan

    • Citizens of Uzbekistan over the age of 18
      Foreigners: B2 visa, E-visa, INV visa holders or person who has residence right
      Individual Entrepreneur for the production and installation/posting of advertisement (Reklama ishlab chiqarish va joylashtirish)
    • Europe

    • 18 years old or older EU or EFTA residents
    • Global Membership

    • Albania, Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Botswana, Brunei, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Eswatini (Swaziland), Ethiopia, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Israel, Jordan, Kenya, Lesotho, Mauritius, Moldova, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Rwanda, Senegal, Serbia, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Zambia
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