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Atomy DNA

Atomy DNA

01Try to Get Rid of Work

At Atomy, we continually try to eliminate work. Work is like weeds in the spring that keep popping up even after being pulled. We should get rid of work like pulling weeds out by the roots. Since work is endless, try to eliminate pointless work and focus on a creative process with an active rather than passive mind.

02Work through Influence, Not Rank

We think about influence while working at Atomy. This influence is not about rank or title, but about the scope and breadth of our work. The wider the range, the greater the impact. The work we do is not just within our department, but for all the departments in our company. At Atomy we work horizontally, not vertically, and for breadth, not depth.

03Be Your Own Leader

Whatever work you have to do, don't ask anyone else to do it for you, just do it yourself. At Atomy, work that you seek out and do on your own is considered true work. When someone tells you what to do, the work can become difficult and boring. At Atomy, we can make our own decisions and work in our own way, which makes work more fun.

04Be a Superactive Helper

Work at Atomy is project-based. Projects are like ever-changing amoebas. When a team is formed, the person best fit for that project takes the lead, regardless of experience or rank. This person can work hard, have fun, and be a "superactive helper." In this system, anyone at Atomy can be a project manager or team member.

05Do Whatever You Want!

Atomy's organizational culture of authority and responsibility is innovative. We give our employees authority without holding them responsible. This prevents the fear of dealing with consequences. Atomy gives feedback to encourage growth, not to assess accountability. Our employees grow through this feedback and are treated accordingly.

06Be Daring, Tenacious, Audacious

Worse than failing is never trying anything for fear of failure. In Israeli culture, rabbis teach their disciples to persistently ask deeper questions until they fully understand something. This is part of the "Chutzpah mindset." At Atomy, we encourage employees to constantly ask questions about things they don't understand until they find the answer.

07Practice Honesty and Goodness

Honesty and goodness are the best strategies. We want our employees to work honestly and care for others. Someone who only cares about his own success and doesn't care about others or follow the principles will never be successful under Atomy's standards. Abiding by key principles, contributing to the community, and practicing honesty are important values.



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