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[Product related] [Europe] Apart from UK, Turkey and EU countries, are there any other countries that will launch HemoHIM-G?
A Since HemoHIM and HemoHIM G have the same efficacy and effectiveness, there are no plans to replace HemoHIM G in the country where the existing HemoHIM is registered and sold. However, in the countries where HemoHIM is not yet registered, or there are restrictions on registering the HemoHIM,then, we are considering launching HemoHIM G.
- Q [Product related] [Europe] HemoHIM is available in other countries, but why Europe and UK only are selling HemoHIM G?
A Each country has different regulations regarding food ingredients. In the UK and other European countries, Angelica gigas and Cnidium officinale are not registered as food ingredients, so they cannot be used. The Chinese Angelica sinensis and Ligusticum chuanxiong are recognized in Europe, including the UK.
- Q [Product related] [Europe] It seems that there is a slight difference in taste between HemoHIM and HemoHIM G. Why is this?
A The taste and aroma may differ slightly depending on the cultivation climate, temperature, processing method and mixing ratio differs from that of HemoHIM. This may affect the taste.
- Q [Product related] [Europe] Does it have the same functional effects as the existing HemoHIM, such as improving immune function? Or is it less effective than the existing HemoHIM?
A The efficacy of HemoHIM G has been verified in many SGI-level journals and papers in the effectiveness of each herbal plant. Also, through the results of index component research at KBH's research institute, the immune enhancement and activity levels are secured, showing that HemoHIM G has a similar or equivalent efficacy compared to existing HemoHIM.
- Q [Product related] [Europe] Why can't Hemohim G register exclusive certified raw materials in Korea?
A All ingredients must be listed on the food ingredient list to be registered as individually recognized raw materials. Currently, Chinese Ligusticum chuanxiong are registered only in the Korean Pharmacy and are not registered as food ingredients.
- Q [Product related] [Europe] Is HemoHIM G an individually certified raw material like HemoHIM?
A Hemohim G is developed as a general food product.
- Q [Product related] [Europe] Can the existing patent held by Hemohim be used for HemoHIM-G?
A HemoHIM patent cannot be used. However, similar efficacy can be expected as the same manufactured process and production procedure has shown the same level of results. We found similar efficiency in a comparative experiment with HemoHIM.
- Q [Product related] [Europe] Is there any difference in efficacy between HemoHIM and HemoHIM G?
A The efficacy of HemoHIM G has been verified in many SGI-level journals and papers in the effectiveness of each herbal plant. Also, through the results of index component research at KBH's research institute, the immune enhancement and activity levels are secured, showing that HemoHIM G has a similar or equivalent efficacy compared to existing HemoHIM.
- Q [Product related] [Europe] Herbal plant and all ingredients for Hemohim G is safe? How do you manage quality of Hemohim G?
A All ingredients used in HemoHIM G are strictly controlled by facilities with a pharmaceutical-level GMP management system, strictly managed at the same absolute quality level; its herbal plants go through strict quality evaluation three times or more when imported; if herbal plants do not meet the standard they will be subsequently returned. In addition, we are developing test methods to prevent the incorporation of herbal substances, and only safe herbal substances within the standard are imported through analysis of ingredients. In addition, with the same manufacturing process as HemoHIM, Kolmar BNH can ensure quality stability by monitoring the entire process, from raw material production to warehousing.
- Q [Product related] [Europe] What is meant by different species of herbs for Hemohim and Hemohim G?
A To put it simply, species means a kind of variety. Organizations are grouped by type, systematized according to their biological form, and classified into seven categories. The most general classification is kingdom, followed by phylum, class, order, family, genus, species, and subspecies. The most significant classification criterion is to break it down by the system, and it is subdivided as it goes down. According to these classification criteria, the same genus and different species indicate that the two herbals are very similar.
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- Q [Product related] [Europe] HemoHIM is available in other countries, but why Europe and UK only are selling HemoHIM G?