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Atomy Unveils 'Songnisan Forest' to Global Members
  • Name앤토마스_global
  • Published On2025.01.21 16:13
Atomy Presents a Special Healing Space in Nature for Its Members

Atomy has opened ‘Songnisan Forest,’ a training facility dedicated to its members.

In May 2022, Atomy acquired ‘Songnisan Youth Town,’ a venue where the company had been hosting the Success Academy, an educational event for member success since its early days. Following a large-scale renovation, Songnisan Forest now comprises three complexes: the hotel wing, the training wing, and the glamping wing. Currently, only the hotel wing is open. According to Atomy, the training wing is set to open in February, followed by the glamping wing in April.

Atomy aims to make Songnisan Forest a place where members, who are tirelessly striving for success, can relieve accumulated stress, reaffirm their vision and determination, and embark on new goals. The facility will offer a variety of business programs rooted in relaxation and healing, providing new momentum for success. Additionally, to allow members to experience a wide range of Atomy products, the facility will feature vending machines in the form of virtual models as part of the Atomy Mini Shop. In the glamping area, an AI robot named ‘Gaemi’ will deliver firewood and barbecue ingredients, incorporating cutting-edge technology.

Since its opening, the hotel wing has been bustling with activities, including an ‘incentive trip’ for Atomy Taiwan members. One member commented, "The interior design was very comforting," adding that "even the bedding and towels reflected Atomy’s philosophy of cherishing the soul."

Ji-eun Oh, the General Manager of Atomy Songnisan Forest, stated, "This space is designed to provide all Atomy members with rest and healing while immersing them in the Atomy brand experience. We hope it will remain a place that can transform lives."



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