Customer Success

Atomy Park has many places for members and visitors to enjoy.
A large auditorium with a seating capacity of 1,500. Atomy held its first Success Academy here in May 2019.
Atomy's Success Academy is broadcast simultaneously in 10 countries to over 20,000 participants using our own revolutionary broadcast system with live streaming and interpretation services. This innovative customer Success System differentiates us from the competition.
Atomy's Success Academy is broadcast simultaneously in 10 countries to over 20,000 participants using our own revolutionary broadcast system with live streaming and interpretation services. This innovative customer Success System differentiates us from the competition.
View Atomy's corporate philosophy and global status at a glance.
Conference rooms and lounges dedicated to Atomy members can be found on the lobby level and 4th floor.
A place where you can enjoy a good book with a cup of tea or coffee. Hisbeans Café uses freshly roasted specialty coffee every day. This forward-thinking café strives to provide employment opportunities to people with disabilities.
View Atomy's lobby
See Atomy's products of Absolute Quality Absolute Price here.
Dining hall for Atomy visitors and employees.
Global Atomy is always open to people from all over the world.
It's the place to film the contents.