Each space at Atomy Park has been given a unique name to reflect Chairman Park's management philosophy.Job positions are not assigned at Atomy; employees are free to choose whatever title they wish. Atomy employees have the mindset of being their own leader and working proactively.Atomy's greatest assets are our members, consumers, and customers. Atomy employees will go above and beyond for the success of our customers.At Atomy, we have a project-oriented organizational structure. Anyone can propose a project and choose their team members as long as the ultimate goal is customer success. Upon completion of the project, members disperse and move on to other projects of their choice.Atomy has a horizontal organizational structure. Open communication is key for this type of organization to function; employees must feel free to respectfully express their thoughts and opinions with others regardless of status, age, or experience.Atomy's founding principles are being, speed, and balance.